Thursday, October 18, 2007

Missions Awareness Month and this and that!

I'm trying to be a better blogger because..............................I am sad when I check my favorite blogs and there is nothing new. :( I know I have a HUGE audience and I'm sure they feel the same frustration! Hehe, I'm such a celebrity in my own mind. Anyway, we are having missions awareness month with our missions conference next month. Last night one of the other men of the church preached because our pastor is away. He preached about praying for missionaries. It was an interesting take on praying. He said of course we pray for the missionaries safety and their needs to be met. He says we should be praying more specifically for people that will help them in their work. We should pray for good fellowship for them and for the people to love them and be hospitable to them. I have several missionary friends and the Lord has laid it on my heart to pray that "their people" would show them love and fellowship. Can you imagine always being the one to "feed" and never be fed (both spiritually and physically). In the states, even if you are a pastor or pastor's wife that feel you are always giving and never getting, you can probably travel a few hours away and have good fellowship with other christian. Not always so on the mission field. Remeber as you pray for your missionaries pray that the Lord will bring fellowship to them.

Tomorrow I will be substitute teaching second grade for a teacher from church. I'm praying things go smoothly. This weekend we have an auction at church. I'm making several baked goods and have entered the "dumb talent contest". I can cross all my fingers in a bizarre way. I guess you have to see it, it's difficult to explain. Devin has his last regular football game on Saturday. His team has made it to the play-off's so we won't be done for another couple weeks. I have to say, it's been fun but I love being home in the evening, everyone sitting down to a nice dinner and doing devotions afterward. That has not been happening alot since football. Have a wonderful day! Please pray for West Valley Baptist Church as they are having missions conference this week.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

You could say your audience is wide, from coast to coast you know! Missions are so important and I have been burdened this week. Our message last night was amazing. It is so easy to be complacent, to know that all is well with our own spiritual sphere. I pray that the importance of missions will burden more people and that those out in the field will be given their needed meal whether it be spiritual or physical. I love to read your posts and yes I check it daily so the preasure is on!

Love and miss you,