Saturday, February 16, 2008

14 + 20..........that makes me old : )

I just celebrated my 34th birthday on Valentines Day, so what does 14 + 20 mean? 14 is the number of birthdays I got to spend with my grandma. I was born on my Grandma Kinnaird's 85th birthday. Does that make me her favorite? *I* think so! hehe. Anyway, the 20 represents the number of years she's been gone. (It will actually be 20 years in June, she died the night of my 8th grade graduation). I had visions of this wonderful post with a picture of us (me and grandma scanned to my computer) but after numerous calls to my mom and mom looking through stacks and boxes of pictures neither of us could find the picture we were looking for! : ( Here is the visual, my grandma, in her white-haired glory sitting in her wheel-chair and me (about 12 I guess) at her feet in my rust colored "gunnysac dress" (do you remember those) with my bi-level haircut ~ nowadays called a mullet! It's a very special picture but alas it is gone.

I used to love to spend time with my grandma, she lived alone until she was 97-98 (alone except that she had a caregiver during the day and my aunts took turns staying with her at night) but when I came to visit, they usually didn't stay. I love to sleep in her bed with her, she had the softest, wrinkly skin you have ever felt. She wore little white gloves to bed to keep her hands warm so her arthritis wouldn't flare up so bad. She collected tea cups and saucers. I have many fond memories of her. When staying with her, she would give me money walk to the grocery store and buy "chicken and jojo's" ~ jojo's are just potato wedges! It was so special and I wish she were 119 now but she been with the Lord for 20 years so I know she's much happier there. She saw alot of things in her lifetime, never a cell phone or computer though. What would she think? Would we still eat chicken and jojo's? Who knows, I am glad I was her special Valentine though.

And just for fun, here's a picture of Mariah at age 13 going to her first Valentine Banquet for the youth group. Oop's, I added the pictures to the end but somehow they are at the beginning so I hope you read to the end to figure out what the pictures have to do with the post!
One more note, I got lots of calls and cards from all my wonderful friends wishing me a happy birthday and wanted to say "thank you". I am humbled to have such wonderful people in my life that give me so much more credit than I deserve. I love you all.


Katrina said...

So if you're old what does that make me :) I love your memories with your grandma. My grandma was very special to me too. She was and is a hero to me. She put everyone before herself. I lived with her from ages 4-7. I slept with my grandma too. She would get me a hot water bottle for my feet when it was cold. I saw every episode of Lawrence Welk and The Price is Right! She has been with the Lord for 26 years! I can't wait to see her again.

Mariah, You are beautiful! I hope you had a great time at your banquet. We miss you all.....

Leah said...

oh that reminded me.......Lawrence Welk on Saturday night. :)