Monday, December 31, 2007

So Proud of My Girl!

I'm so proud of Mariah! She returned over the weekend from the GYF (Georgia Youth Fellowship) Winter Retreat, she had a wonderful time and although it was a time of preaching and challenge, it was similar to a fine arts competition/camp scenerio. She can home with 4 First Place ribbons, 4 Second Place ribbons, and 1 Third Place ribbon. Our youth group won the trophy for top youth group. I am most proud that Mariah won 1st place in Bible Storytelling (like a short Sunday School lesson) for the 7th grade. She also won 2nd place for an ensamble she sang in. Our church won first place in the choir division. We also had the top preacher and teacher at the high school level. Mariah and I were just discussing how we miss California but we are both thankful that the Lord moved us to a church with lots of teens. It's such a critical point in life and to see her so excited about all the things the youth group is involved in blesses me so. I pray that one day the Lord will use each of my children as he sees fit.

The other big news ~ we joined the CHOIR~ I did it to encourage Mariah. She did such a good job with the solo in the Christmas Musical that I want her to foster the talent. I know that a talent like that can be really used of the Lord. I hope ya'll have a safe New Year's Eve and I'll be back in 2008! I'll post a pic of all the ribbons soon. :)


Katrina said...

Way to go Mariah!!!! I am so happy that you have a wonderful teen group, it is so important. Cant wait to see all the awards.


Heather said...

Thank you for the kind words on my blog! I look forward to reading yours and getting to "know" you :)